The Bodhidharma International Institute of Philosophical Martial Arts was founded in 1987, with the aim of rescuing the martial tradition, as originally conceived by the civilizations of East and West. Currently, with its activities and centers, it is present in various cities around the world. Beyond the development of technical, tactical and strategic aspects, very important in martial arts, it is also sought to rescue the spirit of martial arts through a unifying philosophical consciousness, promoting a deep knowledge of martial cultural traditions, on the basis that physical movements are symbolic reflections of nature and the inner state of the practitioner. Through its practical class programs the mastery of fear, anxiety and violence is promoted, in addition to a training system with the aim of harmonizing all aspects of the practitioner. In the name of the institute, a tribute is paid to a fundamental milestone in the history of Martial Arts, such as Master Bodhidharma, known in China as Ta Mo and in Japan as Daruma.
The following styles are promoted:
- Nei Kung
- Iai Do
- Kyu Do
- Kyu Jutsu
- Tae Kwon Do
- Tai Chi Chuan
- Karate Do
- Ai Ki Do
We promote:
- Tournaments
- Self defense courses
- Conferences and Seminars
- Exhibitions
- Research on the culture and philosophy of Martial Arts.
- Periodic national and international meetings
What are philosophical martial arts?
In the long road of development and progress of the human being, the search for disciplines for character formation and stimulation of spirituality, constituted a permanent horizon. In this sense, the so-called Martial Arts (War Arts) played an important role when civilizations awoke and grew. The methodical regulation of energy and character, the moral channeling of basic impulses, meant a natural development and at the same time a way of aggrandizement of the citizen, for which the schools developed martial systems oriented not only to prepare the human being for eventual confrontations, but fundamentally, to lead daily life and preserve peace, on the solid support of personal fulfillment. Thus, multiple methods that highlight human qualities and latent potentialities, derived in styles of martial arts, divergent in terms of techniques, but converging in terms of purposes. The Bodhidharma Institute collects this concept under an eclectic look allowing the development of different martial styles. It is a philosophical gateway for those seeking deeper horizons, a reunion with oneself through the essence of martial arts.