Aikido is a martial art known as the “Path of Harmony” (Ai = Harmony; Ki = Energy; Do = Path), developed in Japan by Morihei Ueshiba, affectionately called O’Sensei, great teacher, in the early 20th century. . Deepening the study of its history we find a high understanding of the human being integrated with the universe, where Aikido will be the expression of Love and Respect through a martial path.
“I came to understand that AI (Harmony) is indeed AI (Love): Aikido, ‘Way of Harmony’, is really Aikido, ‘Way of Love’.”(*1)
Aikido is an idea, it is “Aiki”. Through a deep understanding, the practitioner can reach a high state of consciousness, of inner serenity that reverberates externally in the practice of this Art. During the execution of the techniques, one must maintain one’s balance, control the movement and take care of the training partner, generating union and harmony.
“True Budo is to set things aright, to establish world peace, to nourish and protect all things. That is the purpose of my training in Budo: to nourish, protect and foster all life with the power of god’s love.”(*2)
Morihei Ueshiba revolutionized modern martial arts having as one of his references the victory over himself. He would say, “Masakatsu Agatsu” (true victory is over oneself). In Aikido there are no competitions, practitioners alternate in the role of attackers and attacked, of leaders and directed. He said, “Aikido starts with mutual respect when we sit down and greet each other.” From self-defense techniques, one learns to control attacks without using force, taking care not to injure the attacker.
“…on December 14, 1940, around 2:00 o’clock in the morning when I was performing ‘misogi’ (purification practices), I suddenly forgot any martial art technique I had learned. All of the techniques handed down from my predecessors appeared completely anew. Now they were not just techniques but rather vehicles for the cultivation of life, knowledge, virtue, and good sense.”(*3)
Whoever receives the attack has the challenge of keeping himself balanced, stable, calm, relaxed, to increase his attention and awareness, his control and dexterity, developing technical skills to neutralize and control this attack. In the case of the attacker, once his charge is controlled, his attention and awareness turn to following the direction of the movement generated in this collision, to follow his flow, learning to mold himself to this new situation, developing perception, adaptability , flexibility and agility.
“In traditional Japan, the best commodities to trade in were honesty and love. Budo is the same – it begins with love, summoning first the best qualities of a human being.(*4)
*(1 to 4): “The Secret Teachings of Aikido”, Morihei Ueshiba, Kodansha International publisher. (in Portuguese “Ensinamentos Secretos do Aikido”, publisher Cultrix).